Dr. Freda Newby-Registrar/ Instructor
Our Admissions Information
We are here to get you registered and admitted into Stone of Help Bible College Fall and Spring Term 2024/2025
Registration August 1st - August 6th, 2024, on the website registration link
Orientation with your instructor will begin the week of August 12th.
Official classes will start the week of August 19th
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursday classes 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm (see our school page)
All students will receive syllabus materials and packet before classes start.
Registration Form Info:
Registration is ONLINE ONLY.
All classes are on ZOOM only.
Classes meet once per week from 6p - 7:30p.
Important Information:
Online Registration Only -Use a computer
Upload registration form below by
Highlighting the link and right click it to open it. Complete the form. Please include correct mailing address in order to receive your materials on time for class.
Transcripts from former institutions can be mailed to:
Stone of Help Bible College
P.O. Box 1412
Sanford, NC 27331
Transcripts can also be scanned and uploaded to the email at:
Note: Masters and Doctorate degrees are not recommended for double majors.
Non-Refundable Registration Fee:
There is a $25.00 registration fee to be mailed in or sent via cash app for all applications. Information packets will be mailed with syllabus.
Cash App: $EbenezerGospel
Subject Line: Registration Fee
Tuition: up to $500. Payments can begin at the end of August 2024 and completed by the end of March. 2025. Half tuition should be padi by December
Doctoral Tuition: up to $600.00. Payments can begin at the end of August 2024 and completed by the end of March 2025. Half tuition should be paid by December.​
Cash App: $EbenezerGospel
Subject Line: Tuition Payment
​*If someone pays for you, please make sure they put the students Name on subject line."
You can mail your registration fee and tuition payments if you prefer not to use cash app., you can mail. Make check/money order out to: Stone of Help Bible College
P.O. Box 1412
Sanford, NC 27331
RECEIPTS will be provided for all payments.
Registration Link: We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our submit button on our website registration form:
Please send an email if you need assistance until tech support gets it fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience
You may pre-register now until August 6, 2024. Registration fee is required before classes start the week of August 19, 2024. (see 02.) Student orientaion will be the week of August 12, 2024. Student packets will be mailed out prior to orientation
All tuition payments can either be mailed or sent by cash app. If you send a cash app, please put "Tuition Payment" in the subject line.