Academic Courses
Stone of Help Bible College
Associate Degree in Biblical Studies
Seeking to Serve - In this course, we will study principals on how to serve in the church and your community with a spirit of integrity, humility, and compassion.
Leadership Training- In this course we will study on the character and integrity of leaders along with exemplifying stewardship.
Homiletics - In this course we will learn the art and science of preparing and delivering sermons.
Mondays 6p -7:30 p Zoom
Associate Degree in Worship Arts Leadership
Dynamics of Praise and Worship
The Worship Arts Leadership course is designed to give a solid foundation of church leadership, knowledge, and experience and enhance environments so that people can encounter the presence of God.
Dynamics of Praise & Worship I & II
Proverbs - Secrets to Successful Living through wisdom from the Word of God for daily living.
Worship Leadership
Music Theory
Tuesdays 6p -7:30p Zoom
Bachelor Degree in Theological Studies
Bible Synthesis (Old Testament) - This in-depth course provides the fundamental upon which rest many of the cardinal doctrines of the Christian Faith.
Bible Synthesis (New Testament) - Synthesis means a 'putting together' as opposed to analysis which takes apart. In this in-depth study, we will approach the Bible as a single unit as we seek to understand its message.
Christ in The Scriptures - This course is an in-depth study of Christ from Genesis to Revelation.
Mondays 6p -7:30p Zoom
Masters Degree in Christian Education
Bible Origin - There are three links in the chain from God to the Church through Inspiration, Canonization, and Transmission. In this in-depth study you will be introduced to the Structure and Divisions of the Bible and the moral beauty of the Bible.
Bible Doctrine I & II - This course study is an in-depth study on the Old Testament period called the Age of the Father, God. Christian Doctrine is the organized exposition of main doctrines of the Christian Faith. It is to analyze what we as Christians believe about our faith. It is also the completion of studies for Bible Doctrine.
Typology- Studying the types and shadows of the tabernacle as it relates to Christ.
Tuesdays 6p-7:30 p Zoom
Doctoral Degree in Christian Theology
Pneumatology - This course will teach you how the Gifts of the Spirit and the Ministry Gifts operate in the believers of Jesus Christ by the anointing and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
Comparative Religions - This course familiarizes us with Non-Christian Religions, cults and occult. Lack of personal identity, alienation and loneliness are breeding ground for these substitutionary religions. We will also do an in-depth study on Denominations.
Students are required to submit a Thesis Dissertation before the end of the course.
Thursdays 6p - 7:30 p - Zoom